Wednesday, December 21, 2005


TESTIMONIALS from the first training day

Arvinder is our deeply committed trainer and therapist from New Delhi. She is wearing the cream colored dupatta here.

“Sessions were very useful. I like the first session with Arvinder -- particularly useful based on trauma conditions. The workshops conducted today, and method used in that, I will try my best to implement. I will train other people so that they could use with others as well.”

“I found training on alternative healing very helpful. The discussions we had, and the exercises we learnt were very simple but beneficial”.

[One of the effects of compassion fatigue is that relief workers lose touch with their own selves.] “Being in emergency work, I forgot myself as a human, it made me realized to make my efforts more productive, not only in field work, but also to myself”

“Such workshops should be conducted on a large scale, so other could learn more useful techniques and implement them”

“As a special education teacher, I can use these skills in my school, and especially for myself, because self-care is also a very important factor”

“What I have learnt today will help me to provide psychosocial support to survivors of earth quake, and provide training”

“Training should be extended up to three or four days, and cover more topics” Posted by Picasa

One day I am sitting on your living room floor eating Mike and Monisha's amazing food and hearing you say what you want to do and how it can help and how necessary it is. It all makes sense to me. Then just over a week later I am reading your blog about how you are doing it and people already are benefitting.
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